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On our Kennel

We need to see what it means “guaranteed”! A puppy is a living being and what we can do everything to produce dogs exempt from any pathology, taking care of every aspect of selecting and making any kind of control over reproduction subjects, We cannot give guarantees as when you sell computers or objects. You read on the web guaranteed puppies ads or websites that sell puppies with captions “guaranteed for a year”, but we are talking about a Cub or goods? This is dishonesty and secure something that nobody can guarantee. In fact, as all living healthy, some diseases that can happen, According to Mendel's law, return even after generations, Despite playing parents are certified as “exempt”. How can happen by chance are pathologies and not depend on the ’ inheritance. When you purchase a living being sleepy in mind that is a living being and not a commodity.

Then that warranty has a new owner who decides to buy a puppy in a herd rather than in shops?

The warranty is definitely a puppy breeder that adheres to all regulations and makes all controls, will have far fewer problems than a puppy of dubious provenance. The guarantee is that l ’ breeder, Although it will not have faults according to Regulation Enci.
L ’ serious breeder never stops to follow and advise the new owners throughout the life of the dog transferred, because it remains in his heart still a “his” dog care while leaving the ’ breeding. The breeder will not ’ the puppy sold as goods and well-being will also “After” following the owners step by step for each health smallness, the character, l power ’, being always available to them.

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Usually not. The puppies are taken directly to our home, where we can get to know us, chatting, give you all the information on the new puppy that is going to come into your life, sign property transfer documents, and all this in ’ family environment where the puppy is grown. But there have been circumstances in which we have delivered puppies even several miles away. It all depends on the situation, which must be addressed and decided with the new owner.

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In exceptional cases for the new owners overseas, Yes. Though reluctantly. Puppies should not be less than three months old, You must comply with all laws of our country than the one where the plane will land ’. You find the best airline can guarantee the health and care of the puppy during the trip. Each case must be seen and studied in itself and everything related to the shipment is the responsibility of the buyer ’.

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Puppies previously booked, are ready to 70°/80° day d ’ age. Don't EVER deliver puppies under the age 65 days according to Regulation ENCI, because before this age may not have received all the vaccinations and cannot have inserted the microchip (by law all touches to enter ’ breeder). Do not ever trust of farms that sell puppies 40/50 days. If they do, they do against the ’ ethics and against the welfare of the puppy, because they must discard it because it is an economic expenditure. The puppy under the age of two months later, is not socialized and, In addition to health problems, may develop behavioral problems. Puppies must have finished the whole cycle of vaccinations and sverminazioni and having inserted the microchip. And must have lived throughout the first period with the brothers of litter, as a matter of imprinting and in order to get socialized from ’ cattery. During the summer period are transferred even with flea repellent treatment. The owner is given the health booklet along with the puppy and a list of all details concerning the weight of food supply and brand feed (the owner will have already obtained). We then take the new owners with the new puppy a souvenir photos that we will post on our website. For the rest we are available day and night, whatever problem you may have with your new puppy!

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All our dogs have the pedigree breeding. We work for the selection of the breed in a serious way, We attend exhibitions of beauty and we are committed to producing morphologically and characteristically, as much as possible close to the standard. We have no puppies without pedigree so! We of ’ notice, then, that there are no dogs breed pedigree for which we have no concept of request for some puppies pedigree and others do not. The pedigree is a dog's identification document that tells you the source, How is the paper d ’ identities for a human being.

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Our puppies are all the same, they got behind all of the same charges and were treated all alike, in addition we require the pedigree for all, because it is not the certificate that makes all the difference in the cost of a great Dane. Our puppies all have the same cost.

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No, Puppies all have the same price, as are all alike and they got behind all the same fee regardless of gender.

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Just tell us and we will choose together the most suitable pup for exposures.

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Great Dane Info

A great Dane eats about 1 kg of food per day (or a little more), divided by brand croquettes, meat and rice or pasta boiled meat.

The power of the puppy goes ’ cured in more accurately as possible. Our puppies come from our breeding to 80 days d ’ age about, finite vaccinations, sverminazioni and microchip inserted, with a food based nuggets puppy brand for big dogs, ground beef and goat's milk. This ’ be removed down to the fourth or fifth month as to age causes diarrhea and is not digested. Puppies eat three times a day and don't mind expenses during growth, because it is just in the first year of life, especially in the first 10 months, that forms a great Dane. The ’ skeleton is formed quickly from three to eight months for which, During this period is highly recommended the ’ use of supplements for bones, such as Cosequin, Fortiflex or Condrogen.

A great Dane adults eat croquettes adult Basic, always brand and for big dogs, integrated with white or red meat (without bones, skin or fat), or minced chicken carcasses, boiled cooked rice or pasta, rinsed and without starch and salt. The food is pretty subjective ’, and can be customized according to your tastes and tolerances of dog food. These foods you can add ’ egg yolks (d) (twice a week) cottage cheese and boiled carrots. Meals you can give as snacks tozzi dried bread, that in addition to providing carbohydrates, are great for keeping your teeth clean.

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Generally the average life of a great Dane is 8/10 years. There are Danes who live more and Alans living less. Some can live up to 12 years, others live less than 8, and the main cause is gastric dilatation/torsion, that can happen even at a young age if you are predisposed, While there are steps that can be, as the simple preventive operation anchorage (gastropexy). It happens to everyone, for charity, It would be a trouble, but the ’ great Dane is statistically be the first race at the top of the list with this disease.

It all depends on whether, arrived at a certain age, the great Danes tend to develop some problems, like all great dogs and humans elderly: rheumatism, all problems ’ skeleton, or certain diseases such as cancer, twisting of the stomach or heart problems. Obviously not all the Alans develop diseases. Much can be done to a great Dane to live longer and healthier way possible: administration of quality food since puppy, the proper place for the rest and hot mordibo, strictly House, moderate daily exercise and even in old age and especially, so much love.

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AND’ difficult to answer this question because the answer depends on many factors. By that wrongly thought, costs that relate to a great Dane, not so much for the purchase but those ’ for maintenance, being a very delicate and challenging dog.

As regards the power ’, an adult great Dane doesn't cost less than 80/100 euro per month. Expenditures exceed discussing growing pups who, In addition to high-quality power supply, need supplements for bones and continuous veterinary checks.

But the costs do not concern only the power ’, There are veterinary expenses, on which it is impossible to make a calculation, because they depend on the prices of your veterinarian trust issues that can have a living being in the course of his life, Even insignificant things that require however a vet or a therapy. If all goes well, the ’ great Dane will see the veterinarian one vote l ’ year, just when will make annual vaccination!

Then there are the spese varie, What mattresses on which sleep, in the first year of age will destroy continuously, until they have passed the adolescent period and you will be reassured (After the year of living ’).

Finally, When we complain for the price d ’ purchasing a great Dane, bred with criterion, We must ask the question: “But if I cannot afford the expense of purchase will be then able to cure it properly and keep it?”.

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No, is not the same thing: DO NOT BUY PUPPIES IN SHOPS AND WEBSITES OFFERING FEATURED PUPPIES!!! They are all cucciolifici held on by sprayhood unscrupulous and dishonest that you don't treat any animal health but only gain, at the expense of the poor puppies. More often than not it is sick puppies traffic from East Europe ’ ’ (Striscia la Notizia in often speaks). Trust only to experienced breeders specialize in breed you intend to buy, After a careful research and evaluation ’! In that regard, read this article written by journalist Valeria Red Dog: The pet shops.

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Before believing this or that farmers who work in respect of the breed bred according to all the regulations of the code of ethics of the Institution ’ Cinofilia (ENCI) work for profit, read this article from bell ’ Portal Meet the dog: Thousand euros for a puppy? But it is a theft! … Or maybe not!

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NO!!! Selecting costa, the mount (maybe done away from home or overseas cost ’), Veterinary expenses for puppies costing, expenses for official radiographs of cost, all exams facts on subjects put into playing in a cost, l power ’ costa, farming cost expenses, and that c is behind is a lot ’. Why puppies sold at bargain prices assumes are not behind any type of selection and cost, no cure, If not that essential (sometimes even that), are not subjects that reflect the breed standard (because there is no work ’ behind and selection are paired randomly and dogs without pedigree). Paid so little puppies not only can call cani di razza, but they have no guarantee of health and safety, and can bring different health problems by sending here and the owner to cure diseases by a veterinarian at ’ more. Is to say: Who saves wasted!

In this regard reference always at ’ article of the portal Meet the dog: Thousand euros for a puppy? But it is a theft! … Or maybe not?

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Sul sito della Società Italiana Danes there are calendars for special exhibitions and rallies race, at this link: http://www.clubalani.it/informations.asp?id=38

On the site of ’ Enci there are calendars for domestic exposures (http://www.enci.it/manifestazioni/nazionali.php?anno=2012) and international (http://www.enci.it/manifestazioni/internazionali.php?anno=2012). On this page there are all below the list of expo divided by year and type: http://www.enci.it/manifestazioni/calendari.php

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Because they attribute to us, incorrectly, the faults of the stray. And here I am talking about serious breeders and not sprayhood. The sprayhood produce pups in quantity without controls and selection, sell them, make us trade, sell them to anyone, as well as shops, without worry about it. Farmers instead choose puppy owners, are connoisseurs of that breed experts, do all controls on dogs playing, you care about where your puppy will go to dwell, and refuses even to sell your puppy to people he didn't inspire confidence. Task of the farmer in fact ’, is to make culture-loving people, also advise against a certain race to a given person because unsuitable.

The ’ herd would be a solution to stray in fact, If you are they sterilized dogs litters where mestizos while avoiding the puppies do not know where to give and where to place them. People would only breed dogs and after paying for well informed about which breed of dog is best suited to your lifestyle. The stray dogs are almost always dogs mestizos.

The animal I am of the opinion that dogs should not be sold, treat us as all tradespeople alike, without knowing who the real farmer does not earn and don't live for this, but there rounds only expenses of their dogs. Ignore the hard work of ’ farmer and his concerns whenever someone sells a puppy. We love and take care of dogs, We care about their future. If you would like the animal people think dogs breed extinction because there would be more an institution (ENCI) for the protection of dogs and dog training ’ dog breed. The advantage of a dog breed compared to a mestizo then, is that you already know the features since puppy, the size, If large or less, and crucially the character that will, being able to decide just which dog is best suited to your needs. This cannot happen with a mestizo who, Sometimes it is believed to remain small and rather grows as a pastor from Abruzzo or pulls out unwanted character features, with the consequence that then will be abandoned to the streets because they wanted that kind of dog!

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AND’ a beautiful and good scam! First of all a puppy of breed has right pedigree for nature and should not be sold without hands. Second thing a paper certification, in this case the pedigree, all ’ breeder cheap less 20 euro, and not 300 euro!!! You can check on the website of the’Enci under the heading “institutional rates” to realize that a pedigree costa 20 euro. What does certification cost, but the selection, the mounts, l power ’, Veterinary expenses of dogs, not a pedigree. Don't trust online shopping, beautiful sites with showcases of puppies of all breeds, all the beautiful words. Are falsehoods!!! Don't trust, are FALSE PEDIGREE!!! Don't trust also for another reason: NO breeder who respects the ethical codes (which prohibit), never sells his puppies to an intermediary, a store or website that sells them to others. The ’ farmer must respect the code of ethics of Enci ’ which requires raising their puppies and sell them directly to the owner, After having explained the characteristics of the breed that is going to take. A farmer cannot make trade in dogs! Therefore, when writing “Our puppies are only to serious breeders” is fake! Puppies of these stores come from illicit routes in Eastern countries or from ’ cucciolifici of sprayhood (type the Green Hill, or the ones that you see on Striscia la notizia).

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